Sunday 10 July 2011

Tiny Tower

Tiny Tower lets you build a tiny tower and manage the businesses and bitizens that inhabit it!

★ Make money to build new types of floors and attract bitizens to live and work inside.

★ Special events and VIP visitors will earn you special perks as you build your tower towards the clouds.

★ Customize the look and placement of each floor and the bitizens that live in them, and upgrade your elevator.

★ Game Center integration to let you see your friends towers, back up your game and earn awards.

★ See what is on your bitizens’ minds by peeking at the “BitBook” virtual social network for your tower!

  1. Cute graphics & great user interface makes this a excellent freemium time management game!
  2. You do not need to keep playing to earn money, just stock up enough items to sell in each businesses you get $ when you go back in!
  3. Your kids will love this game and keep quiet in the car!
  1. There is only one copy of save game in the game center which makes it inconvenient if you have multiple devices playing the same game by different people.
  2. If you mess with the date of the device, it will screw up the game
  3. If the game crash, you do get to load the save copy of the game…but you can’t really control when that copy was saved!
  4. When you get to higher levels, it takes longer to build a new levels without using the “Tower Bux”
Tips & Tricks
  1. Always stock up the 3rd items first, the 3rd item takes longer time to run out then the first 2 hence you can time it to have all three items stocked up at the same time if you never use “tower bux”.
  2. Always keep good employees & evict the bad ones, higher relevant skills will make the business cheaper to buy stocks to sell hence make more money
  3. If you have time, help bitizens up the elevator to earn some coins or even get some occasional “tower bux” tips!
  4. VIP visitors will help you plenty hence keep an eye on the VIP icon when you are in game.
  5. Find missing person mini game is a quick way to earn “tower bux”, keep a look out for them too!
  6. Put your bitizen in their dream job will make them happy! Hmm
  7. BBook seems to be a virtual facebook for bitizen to express their virtual opinions in the game but too bad it’s not by real people
Overall, I find the developer had created an addictive platform similar to other free time management games. The only things I can think to improve on it is to make a real in-app chat between friends of game center…but this need Apple to wake up and give the developers an API for that.
Game Center is so similar to other leader board that needs some additional feature which like multiple save games & in-app chat posting (like twitter) with reply options & Direct private messages.
This game is free & universal which makes it a must have for all! :D

Category: Games, Time Management
Type: Universal App 

Price for iPhone: Free 

Price for iPad: Free 

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