Wednesday 20 April 2011

Classics – A great classical book reader for iPhone

Classics is a revolutionary but relatively simple iPhone book reader that you can actually “flip” each page individually with a suitable flipping sound!
There are plenty of classical books (20 in total) available for you to read using it’s cool interface. 
  1. Realistic flipping animation & sound that you can control totally just like a real book will
  2. Bookmark your last read chapters and it will remember even after you closed the application
  3. The usual chapters selection
  4. 20 Classic books to choose from (more to come I hope)
  5. Big fonts that looks like a real book
This for a bookworm will be rated 8 out of 10 due to the fact it has limited books available for reading and lack more features to let user to add in their own ebook or pdf collections which is a waste of such quality iPhone eBook Reader.
Other book reader has more features such as Stanza or eReader but does not have the great reading experience close to this baby!
Features that I wish the developer can add in (in my dreams)
  1. A third party converter to convert PDF, DOC, ebook into classic combatible format
  2. Ability to import books similar to Stanza from websites
  3. A list of websites to upload books (for private viewing only)
Category: Books
Company: Andrew Kazmierski
Type: iPhone/iPodTouch Only

Price for iPhone: $2.99

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